MAXIMA Cleanliness and Health Promotion Project at Trea Village, Bek Chan Commune, Angksnoul District, Kandal Province.
Archives: Events
Continuing with it’s regular Cleanliness and Health Activities for the people of Cambodia, on 24th of July 2016, MAXIMA has arranged the event of MCHPP at Damnak Sangke Village, Prek Kampoeus Commune, Takmao City, Phnom Penh. SPM Committee members presented at the event are:
- Mr. Sim Channy Head of Human Resource Department
- Mr. Nin Touch Head of Risk and Compliance Department
- Mr. Khiev Sengdy Head of Marketing Department There are 100 children and 6 women joined this event.
“Each one plant one”, the slogan of the event MAXIMA Green Cambodia Campaign, MAXIMA continues planting trees for school. On 25 June 2017, MAXIMA arranged the Green Cambodia Campaign at Prey Mouk Village, Srae Rornorng Commune, Tram Kak District Takeo Province. MAXIMA planted 100 luxury trees: Korkey, and Chher Teal. The event attended by 116 people: 30 students, 1 school principle, 65 MAXIMA staff and staff’s family , and 20 representative officers from Union of Youth Federation of Cambodia of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
“Each one plant one”, the slogan of the event MAXIMA Green Cambodia Campaign, MAXIMA continues planting trees for school. On 25 June 2017, MAXIMA arranged the Green Cambodia Campaign at Prey Mouk Village, Srae Rornorng Commune, Tram Kak District Takeo Province. MAXIMA planted 100 luxury trees: Korkey, and Chher Teal. The event attended by 116 people: 30 students, 1 school principle, 65 MAXIMA staff and staff’s family , and 20 representative officers from Union of Youth Federation of Cambodia of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
“Each one plant one”, the slogan of the event MAXIMA Green Cambodia Campaign, MAXIMA continues planting trees for school. On 15 July 2017, MAXIMA arranged the Green Cambodia Campaign at Tnout Village, Roka Commune, Pearang District, Preyveng Province. MAXIMA planted 100 luxury trees: Korkey, and Chher Teal. The event attended by 116 people: 30 students, 5 teachers, 1 local authority and 31 Maxima staff.
On 28 May 2017, MAXIMA arrange the financial literacy training and cleanliness program at Angtasom location office at Prey Ta Mouk Village Srae Nornoang Commune Tram Kak District Takeo Province. The event attended by 42 children, 30 clients and villagers, and also 14 staff of MAXIMA. MAXIMA uses this platform to educate and disseminate information to our clients about over-indebtedness, and also information regarding borrowing that clients should know. In addition to that, MAXIMA team also teach the small children on how to wash hand properly. MAXIMA trusts that by understand and having concept on financial and health would help our clients improve their lives better.